Inspire by the ancient wisdom of Yoga Pranayama and backed by Modern Science MindTuner’s powerful therapeutic value comes from its ability to simply and easily, harness the power of your breath so you can find CALM.

Multiple Scientific studies confirm what ancient wisdom schools discovered. Regulating your breath, will influence your mind and body. Pranayama was the first doctrine to build a theory around breath control, confirming that controlled breathing was a way to calm and relax the mind and body thereby increasing longevity, health and wellbeing.

"During yoga pranayama exercises, people practice controlling the breath, or prana, to induce a state of calm and focus. Paying attention to breathing and slowing down respiration constitute a core component of many mindfulness practices. Research suggests the practice has multiple benefits—it induces an overall sense of well-being while reducing anxiety and improving sleep." By Diana Kwon – March 30, 2017 Scientific American

Breath is essential to life. From the first breath you take at birth to the last breath upon passing, you take about half a billion breaths, usually without thought. What you may not realize is that the mind, body, and breath are intimately connected and can influence each other.  Breathing is influenced by our thoughts, and our thoughts and physiology are influenced by our breath. Learning to breath consciously and with awareness is a valuable tool in helping to restore balance in the mind and body—something very useful during times of stress.

Breathing correctly is a powerful tool to help us manage mind, emotions, and imbalances in the body. Having a regular breathing practice offers many mental, emotional, and physical health benefits.   Yogic and Buddhist sages have known this for thousands of years. They’ve made mindful breathing a central part of their practice because it’s so effective at taming an overactive mind.  The Buddha specifically taught mindfulness breathing meditation as a way to transform suffering and increase inner peace. Adopting a daily breathing practice can be a game-changer in helping you cope with life’s demands and challenges.

The basis for all breathing practices originates in the science of yoga, specifically the fourth limb of yoga, known as pranayama.

The word pranayama comes from two Sanskrit words. Although there are various definitions of the term, one interpretation is: prana (life force) and ayama (expansion), or expanding the life force using the breath. The ancient yogis learned that by controlling the breath, you can influence every aspect of your life.

If you have ever caught yourself sighing at the end of a long day, this is an example of the body’s natural way of relieving stress. The more you become aware of the power of the breath the more you can benefit from its many physical and emotional benefits.

In the medical community, there is a growing appreciation for the positive impact that mindful breathing can have on your physiology, both in the mind and the body. According to the research, many of these deep-breathing benefits can be attributed to reducing the stress response in the body. To understand how this works, let’s look at the stress response in more detail.

Pranayama as a Tool to Counter Stress

When you experience stressful thoughts, your sympathetic nervous system triggers the body’s ancient fight-or-flight response, giving you a burst of energy to respond to the perceived danger. Your breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and you primarily breathe from the chest and not the lower lungs. This can make you feel short of breath, which is a common symptom when you feel anxious or frustrated. At the same time, your body produces a surge of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which increase your blood pressure and pulse rate and put you in a state of high alert.


By mindfully breathing through your MindTuner, you can reverse these symptoms instantly and create a sense of calm in your mind and body. When you breathe into your belly and slowly exhale, you activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which reverses the stress response in your body. Belly breathing stimulates the main nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system—the vagus nerve—slowing down your heart rate, lowering your blood pressure, and calming your body and mind.

As well as reversing the physical stress response in the body, mindful breathing with your MindTuner can help calm and slow down the emotional turbulence in your mind. Breathing can have an immediate effect on diffusing emotional energy so there is less reactivity to your emotions.

So next time your feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or need to find focus and concentrate tune your Mind and Body for Calm with your MindTuner.

It's reassuring to have fresh research corroborate that each of us can trigger a "relaxation response" (Benson et al., 1975) simply by focusing on the inhalation-to-exhalation ratio of our breathing and consciously extending the length of each exhale while doing breathing exercises as we go about our day-to-day lives.

“Your breath is a powerful tool to ease stress and make you feel less anxious”.

“Anxiety can affect your breathing. On the other hand, your breathing can affect feelings of anxiety. Deep or rhythmic breathing is a good way to decrease symptoms of anxiety. Breathing can also help focus your thoughts.”

“Given the research, conscious control of breathing is increasingly recommended by clinicians and healthcare providers to support stress reduction in children and adults.”

“It’s been shown that longer exhales help to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. This is the branch of your nervous system that oversees the relaxation and regeneration response and therefore helps to relieve anxiety!”

Unlock Calm easily and simply – Myself and 100’s of my students found it,
and now I want to help you do the same

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